Elementary Report Card Templates

Pulaski Community Schools utilizes standards-based report cards at the elementary level.  The purpose of the report cards is to report out to students and parents about how the student is achieving on specific key learning targets or benchmarks for that grade level.  The report cards for the elementary levels are modified as curriculum benchmarks are modified so that staff are always reporting out on the current knowledge and skills that the students have been taught.

For Kindergarten through 5th grade as well as Art, Music and Physical Education, the report cards are generated by using Skyward Student Management System.  Specific benchmarks were chosen for each subject area at each grade level.  Teachers collect data throughout the Semester to determine if students scores:

  • 4-Exceeding the grade-level standard and producing quality work consistently
  • 3-Meeting the grade-level standard and producing quality work
  • 2-Progressing toward the standard and producing the required grade-level work with teacher direction and assistance
  • 1-Beginning to develop the standard and not yet able to produce required grade-level work.

If a standard has not been taught that semester, the teacher does not place a score in the box.  See the report card templates below for examples.