Our District
The Pulaski Community School District is located in the heart of Wisconsin and is one of the largest school districts by area in the state. It encompasses 176 square miles and is made up of five elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school. In total, the district serves more than 3,700 students.
About Our District
Achievement & Spotlight
Board of Education & Superintendent
Departments & Offices
District Programs
Performance & Standards
School Transfers
Our District At A Glance
Student Enrollment:
Approximately 3,755
- 375 full-time employees
- 201 part-time employees
- Five elementary schools
- One middle school
- One high school
Facts & Informations
- One of the largest districts by area in the state
- Award-winning marching band, choir and theater departments.
- 4K, Early World Language, Summer School are available
- District Fact Sheet
Click on the WISEdash button above to view the district's education data & statistics
Strategic Plan: Envisioning Our Future