Digital Learning Plan
The Pulaski Community School District values the impact technology has on learning today. Not only does it engage students and improve the rigor and relevance of learning in school but also prepares them with skills essential for success in life and career. With access to technology, students and teachers have at their fingertips vast access to information, resources, and a variety of media.
Highlights of the Digital Learning Plan:
- Grades K-5: An iPad for every student for school use; iPad travels with student to all classes but stays in school and does not travel home
- Grades 6-12: An iPad and Crayon Stylus for every student for school and home use
- Apps accessible on all devices that align to curriculum, provide educational value and allow for student productivity; all apps requested and approved before being available in store
- All devices being lease and replaced after a 4 year term
- Optional insurance plan for damage and repairs offered by the District