Go to this link to Begin Registration
You will need your Skyward Username & Password to Register
Forgot your Skyward username or password?
Annual Online Registration
Opens: July 22, 2024
Annual online registration will need to be completed for every student (grades 4K-12) who is enrolled in the Pulaski Community School District. NOTE: The enrollment process is done just once when the student first enters the PCSD. The registration process is done annual for all students.
Walk-In Registration
Walk-in Registration is from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on July 31, 2024, in the Glenbrook Elementary School gym. Please enter through Door 6, PACE entrance.
Online Registration Assistance
When: 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. July 31, 2024.
Where: Glenbrook Elementary gym (enter thorugh Door #6)
If you need assistance completing the annual online registration forms, we will be available from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on July 31. No appointment is necessary.
Registration Information
● All students (grades 4K - 12) will need to go through this annual online registration process.
● New students to the Pulaski Community School District needing assistance completing online enrollment forms should contact 920-822-6070 or your child’s school.
● If your child is coming into kindergarten and you don't know your Skyward login information, you can contact your child's school or click on the "Forgot your Login/Password link" on the Skyward login page and enter in the email address you used during the initial registration last year to get your login information.
New Student Assistance
If you are new to our district and would like to enroll a student please check out the enrollment website where you can find step by step directions. If you have any questions, please call your child's school or the Technology Help Desk at 920-822-6070. In-person assistance is available during walk-in registration on July 31 at Glenbrook Elementary School.
News & Announcements
4K Parent Informational Meetings:
- A recorded presentation will be shared with our families in place of an in-person parent meeting.
- The 4K teachers will introduce themselves, share information about the 4K program and what the start of the school year will look like in our 4K classrooms.
Fee Information
● Fee payments will be made online or can be mailed to the school office by the first day of school.
● Student fees and food service fees can be added to just one shopping cart.
● Your Required Fees will be automatically added to the Fee Payment screen. If you qualify for free or reduced lunch, your Required Fees will not appear. If you want to view your fees, you can click on Fee Management on left-side within Family Access.
● If paying online, the $2 convenience fee will be waived July 22 through Aug. 2. Paying online directions.
● Fees: Elementary - $20, Middle School - $55, High School - $75.
● Athletic Fees: PCMS - $20, PHS - $30.
● More Fee Information
● View lunch price fees
Student Picture Information
PHS Picture Dates: 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. July 31 @ Glenbrook Gym; make-up day is Aug. 29
PCMS Picture Dates: 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. July 31 @Glenbrook Gym; make-up day is Aug. 28
Seniors and online learners must have their photo taken for a current-year ID. IDs are required for all PHS students and will be requested at school dances. Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for these photos. Seniors and online learners should still have their pictures taken for a current-year ID. Deadline to submit senior pictures for the PHS yearbook is Jan. 31, 2024; please visit the PHS Yearbook website for specific information. Online learners can have a photo taken during walk-in registration on July 31, on Aug. 29 or by contacting Countryside Photographers to schedule an in-studio appointment.
- You may view and order photos online; watch for an email from orderschoolpics.com about 10 days following the photo shoot with the online viewing and ordering information unique to your child. (If you have more than one child attending PHS and PCMS, you will receive an email for each child.)
- VERY IMPORTANT: All parents will receive an email when their student's photos have been posted.
- If you have any questions, please call Countryside Photographers – 920-833-6357 or email questions to info@countrysidephoto.com.