Advanced Learner Services

Our Learning Support Teachers at each of our buildings are responsible for providing enrichment opportunities to our identified gifted and talented students.

Learning Support Teachers

Lisa Berzowski - Fairview Elementary

Krystal White - Glenbrook Elementary

Amy Fialkowski - Glenbrook Elementary

Tricia Paul - Hillcrest Elementary

Lelony Michlig-Radtke - Lannoye Elementary

Marni Bruntz - Sunnyside Elementary

Michelle Loewenhagen - Sunnyside Elementary

Kari Groeneveld -  PCMS and PHS

Ted Sarosiek - PCMS

Gifted and Talented Plan

For Advanced Learners

It is the philosophy of the Pulaski Community School District to provide appropriate challenge for all students in grades K-12 through differentiation, enrichment, personalized learning and accelerated educational experiences for students demonstrating exceptional abilities. The Pulaski Community School District shall strive to offer each student experiences appropriate to his or her individual needs, interests and capabilities. The purpose of the gifted and talented plan is to ensure the success of our advanced learners while giving each of them an opportunity to explore their interests and develop their strengths.

In accordance with State Standard (t) and Wisconsin State Statute 118.35, “gifted and talented pupils” means pupils enrolled in public schools who give evidence of high performance capability in intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership, or specific academic areas and who need services or activities not ordinarily provided in a regular school program in order to fully develop capabilities. A student may be identified in one or more categories. Students shall be identified as gifted and talented in accordance with state guidelines and district’s IGBBA-ADM policy.

The district will provide services and activities for identified students to maximize advanced students’ learning in their respective areas of giftedness to ensure their overall success in school. Parent engagement and communication in the process is valuable in providing services to all of our students including advanced learners. A continuum of services shall be provided for identified advanced learners. The services shall be systematic and continuous for students and coordinated by the Learning Support Teacher at each building. The district will also designate a person to coordinate the district’s overall gifted and talented programming for advanced learners. 

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