Skylert Directions
Step 1
Log into Skyward Family Access
Step 2
Choose the child you want to set alerts for
Step 3
Click on Skylert - located under General Information on the left-side
Step 4
Click on Edit
Step 5
Enter in information for the following sections: Phone, Email and Text Message. For a detailed explanation of the example shown, see below
If you want to add more than three phone numbers, three email addresses or two text message (SMS) numbers, please log into Skyward Family Access as the other parent/guardian. Example: If you are logged into Skyward Family Access as the Mother, you'll log out after completing Steps 1-7 and log into Skyward Family Access as the Father and repeat Steps 1-7 to add more phone numbers, email addresses or SMS numbers.
Notifications by Phone: This parent wants to be called at the above phone numbers for School Hours Emergencies, Non-School Hours Emergencies and Weather - if students are let out early due to weather
Notifications by Email: This parent wants to be emailed at for all alerts. This parent also wants emergency alerts emailed to their other email account -
Notifications by Text Message: This parent wants to be sent text messages for all alerts to the above text message phone numbers
Step 6
Click on Save
Step 7
Repeat Steps 4-6 for any of your other children.