Immersive STEM & Medicine Summer Experiences

Immersive STEM & Medicine Summer Experiences
Ages 12-18 | London | Summer 2022 

We are proud to announce the launch of the most innovative and all-encompassing set of STEM & Medicine Summer Experiences we have ever created. We have 11 such experiences on offer, which can transform your students' futures.

Young Doctor Summer Experience: we have secured exclusive access for our students to view a live surgery; the surgeon will talk through each step as it happens.

Young Engineer Summer Experience: we have privately hired a Boeing 747 jumbo jet; students will explore it alongside aerospace engineers from the likes of British Airways and Virgin Atlantic.   

These are the kind of immersive experiences that we specialise in, and students simply cannot find anywhere else. All experiences take place in London for up to 15 days, with UCL accommodation available.

Places are filling up already. Students can use code SUMMER15 by 31st December for 15% off. Click here for more information!