Glenbrook PTO Virtual Silent Auction ends at noon on Tues. Dec. 1 (See Attached Link)

Glenbrook PTO Virtual Silent Auction ends at noon on Tues. Dec. 1 (See Attached Link)

Hello Glenbrook Families,

As stated earlier, the Glenbrook PTO Virtual Silent Auction ends tomorrow, Tuesday 12/1, at noon. Some were having it difficult time finding the #31 posted items in the Auction.  Attached you'll find a new link.  This link should bring you directly to the "Discussions" tab within the Virtual Family Fun Night Auction page.  If you scroll down, you'll see #1-31 separate posts where you can leave a comment with your updated bid. Hope this helps!  If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Glenbrook Office tomorrow at 920-822-6102 and I'd be happy to help.

Just a reminder, the auction closes at 12:00 p.m. tomorrow.

Happy Shopping!