Pulaski Alumni Association
Mission Statement
The Pulaski Alumni Association has been created by the Pulaski Community School District to accomplish these purposes:
- To connect or reconnect people who have graduated from or attend schools in the Pulaski Community School District, thereby, creating or fostering positive relationships among alumni
- To garner social, emotional, financial and spiritual support for the mission, philosophy and community of the Pulaski Community School District
- To recognize outstanding achievements and contributions of Pulaski Alumni
- To allow alumni an opportunity to share their expertise and talent with current and future students of the Pulaski Community School District
- To serve as a dissemination point for information regarding alumni reunions, special events, and news of interest to alumni
- Allow an opportunity for alumni to network with other alumni
How To Give Back
Volunteer & Mentor Opportunities
Pulaski Alumni are invited and encouraged to speak with or mentor current Pulaski High School students or recent Pulaski High School graduates. Alumni are encouraged to share with students their experiences with college, post-college, career and employment opportunities in a specific career field. If you are interested in being a mentor to students or willing to allow students to contact you regarding their future education, career or experience in a specific field of study, please contact the PACE Office at skwheeler@pulaskischools.org
Pulaski United Foundation – PUF
Currently the Pulaski United Foundation lends its resources to a litany of activities throughout the Pulaski Area. All of the programs that PUF subsidize are critical to maintaining and enhancing the quality of life for the local residents.
Pulaski United Foundation provides each person with an opportunity to help and to make a difference in their community. No one on the PUF Board receives any pay – all are volunteers. All funds received by PUF stay in the Pulaski area to help create a better neighborhood, a better community and a better school district.
Please give generously – membership in PUF is twenty-four ($24) dollars per year. Of course, you may donate more. All donations to PUF should be mailed to: Pulaski United Foundation, c/o PACE Office, P.O. Box 36, Pulaski, WI 54162.
The Pulaski United Foundation is a501(c)(3) tax deductible charitable organization. As such, all contributions to the foundation are tax deductible. For more information on PUF, visit our website
Pulaski Education Foundation
The Pulaski Community School Education Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation established in 1991. The foundation was established to perpetuate the positive school/community relations that have been a hallmark of the Pulaski Community Schools.
Foundation Board
The Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors that operate independently of the School Board. The foundation’s goal is to provide financial support to selected projects through awards and grants.
Foundation Purposes
- To support projects and programs that are not funded through the district’s operating budget
- To support enrichment programs for students & staff in all of Pulaski’s schools including the PACE program
- To support curriculum innovation and the equipment and materials needed to implement that curriculum
- To provide scholarships to students and staff
Your financial support of the Foundation will ensure Pulaski’s tradition of educational excellence continues.
The Pulaski Community School Education Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax deductible charitable organization. As such, all contributions to the foundation are tax deductible. For more information on PEF, visit our website