PBIS Mission - 3 B’s
Be Respectful - Be Responsible - Be Safe
Be #RaiderStrong
The Raider Way, also known as PBIS, proves to be very successful in teaching students expected behaviors and we look forward to a continued positive school environment this year.
Here are the basics:
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive school district behavior management system that consistently teaches, models, and reinforces the behavioral expectations of respect, responsibility and safety.
Research has shown that PBIS is effective in reducing discipline problems, increasing instruction time, and creating safer and more positive environments in our schools, homes and communities.
Teaching and Learning are predominant themes of PBIS
- When kids can’t read ……....…...we teach them.
- When kids can’t swim ……….......we teach them.
- When kids can’t multiply ………...we teach them.
- When kids can’t behave ……….. we discipline them? No, we teach them!
Like everything else involved in the education of a child, positive behavior is something we must teach.
Basic approach to Strengthen Positive Behavior
- Teach (All Staff)
- Model (Consistent by all)
- Practice (In all settings)
- Reinforce
- Re-teach
Here is some information on how the Raider Way works at Glenbrook School:
- Students who display positive behaviors in any school environment may earn a Raider Recognition for their achievement, kindness, safety, special attributes, etc.
- They will be awarded their recognition at the end of each week and receive a special Spirit Stick.
- At the end of every month, each student from every grade level will get their picture taken.
- The monthly grade level picture will be displayed on the Raider Recognition Wall of Fame.
Students will also experience individual classroom incentives based on positive behaviors and how the individual teacher chooses to celebrate their successes.
Each year, our school as a whole, will celebrate our students and their accomplishments and positive behaviors with all school celebrations for which every child will participate.
We encourage you to be a vital part of your child's success at school by your support of our PBIS mission of being Respectful, Responsible and Safe.
Your Glenbrook PBIS Team
Make it a #RaiderStrong day!