Photo of Sarah Hansen

Sarah Hansen

Digital Learning Specialist & Student Centered Coach

  • Email Sarah Hansen

Hello!  I am the Digital Learning Specialist and Student Centered Coach here at Fairview Elementary School. My position is unique because I have the chance to support teachers as they implement technology into the classrooms for students. I also get to collaborate with teaching staff to design and co-teach content that targets student growth and helps support grade level and district wide learning goals.  

In my free time, my family and I enjoy spending time outside; camping, boating, hiking, biking, playing with our two dogs, and visiting friends and family back home in Illinois.

Education:                                                                                                                                                       B.S. Elementary Education/Reading Development from Loras College, Dubuque, IA                                     M.A. Education/Early Childhood from UW-Stevens Point


Office Location

Fairview Elementary School