Fairview Elementary School has officially adopted the Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) model.  The purpose of the Fairview Elementary School-wide PBIS program is to establish and maintain a safe and effective environment that maximizes academic achievement and behavioral competence of all students.  PBIS is a school-wide commitment to teaching students expected behavior, acknowledging them when they get it right, and supporting them when they don’t.  The major components of PBIS include:

  • Common approach to discipline
  • Positively stated expectations for all students and staff
  • Procedures for teaching these expectations to students
  • Continuum of procedures for encouraging demonstration and maintenance of these expectations
  • Continuum of procedures for discouraging rule-violating behavior
  • Procedures for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the discipline system on a regular and frequent basis

During this first month of school, our staff has introduced, modeled, and practiced the school-wide expectations in the hallways, cafeteria, bathrooms, library media center, playground, assemblies, and buses.  We have also introduced, modeled and practiced expected voice volume throughout the building.  Students are being rewarded with Falcon Feathers when caught demonstrating the expected behavior in various areas through our building.  With their earned Falcon Feathers, students are able to enter their names in a random drawing for various prizes and recognition at our monthly school-wide “Celebrations”.

Fairview Falcons SOAR with Pride!
We will be Safe,
have an Open Mind,
Accept responsibility and
Respect ourselves and others.
Together, we will LEAD and SOAR!

How can you help?