Pulaski United Foundation
"Serving Citizens In Portions Of Brown, Oconto & Shawano Counties Since 1942"
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What is the Pulaski United Foundation?
Pulaski United Foundation (PUF) was started in 1942. At that time it was known as the Pulaski Community Fund. The original purpose of the fund was to support the American Red Cross, the USO and other patriotic World War II activities. That essential spirit lives on today.
Currently the Pulaski United Foundation lends its resources to a litany of activities throughout the Pulaski Area. All of the programs that PUF subsidize are critical to maintaining and enhancing the quality of life for the local residents.
PUF is a 501(c)(3) corporation and as such, donations are tax deductible.
How is the Pulaski United Foundation managed and controlled?
People who contribute twenty-four dollars or more to the Pulaski United Foundation are members and are eligible to vote at the annual meeting which is held in November each year. Anyone may ask questions and offer suggestions. Members may vote for the nine member Board and for motions that are made at meetings. Each member of the Board is elected a term of three years; terms are staggered so three members are elected each year.
The Board of Directors meets regularly. It is responsible for the administration of activities, projects, and finances of the Corporation. Board meetings are open to the public, and interested persons are invited to attend.
When you say "Community," how big an area do you mean?
The Pulaski United Foundation attempts to serve all of the area located within the Pulaski area and the Pulaski Community School District; this includes large portions of Oconto, Brown, and Shawano Countries. Also, a small part of Outagamie County.
If I become a member and donor, what are my duties and privileges? 
As a member you are entitled to:
- Attend and participate in annual dinner meetings and in goal setting.
- Help elect a Board of Directors and serve on the Board if elected.
- Assist in various activities and plans; help to collect community funds, use individual talents and information to help others in time of need, and help with community enhancement projects.
- As a member, I can ask for help, assistance, and information if I need it.
What are some of the projects or accomplishments of the Pulaski United Foundation?
Some of the services and projects undertaken in past years:
- Gave assistance and information to families and persons in distress in cases of sickness.
- Graded and seeded Memorial Park - made it a playground.
- Financed the field lights at Memorial Park.
- Built and paid for the shelter house at Memorial Park.
- Provided playground equipment for parks and school grounds.
- Initiated the development of a community swimming pool - donated $14,000 to the Pulaski High School for the construction of the pool.
- Pulaski United Foundation started the Tri-County Medical Clinic at a cost of about $30,000.
- Donated funds to enlarge utility building now the Senior Center.
- Some Tri-County funds were used to cover the cost of delivery and distribution of government surplus food.
- Pulaski United Foundation donated several thousand dollars to build and then remodel the Brown County Library.
- PUF funds have been used to help the Rescue Squad and the Tri-County Fire Department.
- $5,000 was donated to the "Let There Be Light" project to illuminate the football/soccer field at Pulaski High School.
- The Community Pantry, Inc. has Received financial help from Pulaski United Foundation.
- Many local charities, clubs, organizations and activities have been the recipients of the help Pulaski United Foundation provides the local community.
Where does the Pulaski United Foundation get its support?
Financial support comes from membership dues and contributions of individuals, business places, farmers, corporations, and all types of organizations. The corporation will also seek aid from other sources such as the government, surplus foods, grants, bequests, wills, fund raising activities and donations of all kinds.
Why do people contribute to the Pulaski United Foundation?
There are many reasons - some say "We give because:"
- This organization helps the needy; it works for community betterment, it produces results. Look at the many accomplishments of the past few years.
- I care about my community, so I want to do my share to help it along. All donations are tax deductible.
- My family receives benefits from the services and facilities that were provided to us through PUF's help: playgrounds, parks, the swimming pool, library, senior center, medical clinic, and many other activities aided by the Pulaski United Foundation.
- This organized system is "people helping people" - group action can improve our community. I feel good when I help myself and others.
A community is what people make it. One person can't do much alone, but when all of the people in a community work together a powerful force is created. Pulaski United Foundation represents the combined efforts and resources of all the community - and this force enhances the quality of life in the Pulaski area.
Pulaski United Foundation provides each person with an opportunity to help to make a difference in their community. No one associated with PUF receives any pay - all are volunteers. All funds received by PUF stay in the Pulaski area to help create a better neighborhood, a better community and a better school district.
Please give generously - membership in PUF is twenty-four ($24) dollars per year. Of course, you may donate more.
All donations to PUF should be mailed to:
Pulaski United Foundation
c/o PACE Office
P.O. Box 36
Pulaski, WI 54162