Principal's Corner
Every child is a gift. A unique representation of life and love. As educators, we have a calling to positively impact children and even those who care for them outside the four walls of a classroom. For the very short time that we have them, we are in a constant state of balancing their need for support and our desire for them to be independent and able thinkers and doers. Our goal at Lannoye is to create an environment where students are safe and feel like they belong and are academically successful. On behalf of the staff at Lannoye Elementary, we look forward to partnering with you this school year!
Peggy Goddard
Lannoye principal
You Made It Personal
By Peggy Goddard
I am a unique individual trying to find my own place.
A child who is growing. I have dreams to chase!
You are my teacher, my mentor, my friend.
I heard this is about me, and to my needs you’ll attend.
When you connect with me, I want to learn.
Though I don’t always know what, you must help me discern.
If you ask the right questions and give me a choice,
I promise in all that I do you will hear my voice.
I might need your ideas, your opinions, your care.
For if I can’t do it alone, I know you are there.
The world is changing, can you change too?
The old way of teaching kids just won’t do.
I am in charge of my future and you are my guide.
Challenge and relevance make me feel confident inside.
You’ll keep notes about my thoughts and what I have done.
As I work through problems and projects - I’m having so much fun!
The three r’s have become one for the boundaries are blurred.
There’s a world out there calling me, my curiosity is stirred.
When I am out in the real world in this digital age,
The tools in my back pocket build a meaningful stage.
To manage change, solve a problem, or get along with a peer,
You must personalize it for me like in life and career.
Next to mom, dad, and you I know myself best.
My passions and interests you can put to the test.
Provide me the opportunity to discover and take away
From an environment for learning and one for play.
You say you love to teach because of me.
Then make it personal and I’ll thank you personally.