
Agriscience 6

The Agriscience/Agribusiness and Natural Resources Program at the sixth grade level is a hands-on, highly explorative introduction to our largest industry--Agriculture!  Students are introduced to our Global Agricultural Industry and its importance in our society.  Students learn about Agriscience by focusing on the concept of where our food and Ag products come from and how integrated the Agriscience industry is in our world.  Students walk away from the class more informed about their natural world as applied to Agriscience and the Veterinarian Sciences.

Agriscience, Agribusiness, Horticulture & Natural Resources 7

Take the next step with Mr. Erdmann in learning more about the largest industry in the U.S. -- Agriscience.  With a 'hands on" approach to learning, we will explore everything from Veterinarian Sciences, Vaccination and Diseases of Animals, How to Perform Animal Physical Exams, Environmental Sciences, and Forestry and Wildlife Management.  Working with partners in a problem-solving, hands-on lab-based environment will be common as you explore more career fields in Agriscience.  You will also develop skills with equipment used in that specific industry so you can get some valuable experiences.

Agriscience and Natural Resources 8

Be ready for a unique and interesting class.  Explore topics, careers, and issues dealing with our environment and the Agrisciences.  Students will be exposed to topics in Veterinarian Science, Wildlife Management, Genetic Engineering, Global Positioning Satellites, Endangered Species, Horticulture, Landscape Design, Greenhouse Management, Small Animal Care, Veterinarian Surgery, Forestry, Aquaculture, Hydroponics, Food Science, Environmental Pollution, Animal Science, CAD Landscape, Leadership Training, and Career Explorations in the Agriscience/Agribusiness Industry.  You also get to select which topics you want to explore because of the "modular approach" to the class.  We will use the new Agriscience Modular Computer Lab, Greenhouse, 400 Gallon Aquaculture Lab, Hydroponics Lab, Animal Science Lab, the Local Stream, and Outdoor Nature Lab to actually apply topics explored.

Taught by Mr. Kaleb Santy