School Bells: What is the role of the Board of Education?

School Bells: What is the role of the Board of Education?

Many people assume that it’s the job of the school board to run the schools, but it’s not.

The school board’s job is to make sure that schools are well-run by the people that work in our schools each day. That’s an important difference.

Think of the school district like a large company. The board of directors of a company doesn’t manage day to day operations; it hires a chief executive to do so.

The board of education does have several key responsibilities in elevating the performance of our schools, some of which include:

  • Monitoring student achievement, evaluating operations, and exercising general supervision over schools (not day-to-day supervision).
  • Creating sound policy based on our district’s philosophy, goals, and vision.
  • Hiring and evaluating the
  • superintendent and maintaining an effective working relationship.
  • Adopting a budget and supervising the execution of it.
  • Communicating with the public.
  • Advocating for public schools.

And most important, we are accountable to the public for fulfilling these responsibilities.

More details on the role and function of the board are available in the policy documents in the Board of Education section of the district website.

— PCSD Board of Education