Frequently Asked Questions

Will school events (field trips, sports, etc.) be cancelled?

At this time, all off-campus student activities such as field trips and other trips are suspended.  Sporting events, concerts and other events are suspended until April 30th at this time. This is subject to change. No practices will occur at this time. All school-sponsored international trips are suspended for the 2019-2020 school year.

Parents of students with compromised immune systems should consult with family physicians regarding travel and/or participation in events. As always, parents  have an option to withdraw their child(rens) participation in an event.

What do you need from me?

Communication with families will be extremely important if schools were to close. We are asking parents to update emergency contact information in Skyward Family Access or by calling your child’s school.  To update your phone numbers and email in Skyward, log into Skyward Family Access and select “My Account” in the upper right menu bar. We would like to ensure that we are giving families the most up-to-date communication.  

How will students continue to learn if school is closed? 

The district has a plan in place for learning to continue when school closed.  With our Digital Learning Plan options in place with one to one devices, we will be able to continue online learning for our 4K-12 students.  An emphasis for our K-5 students will be on math and literacy with rotating days for special classes (PE, Art, Music and Spanish) as well as science and social studies while 6-12 will be provided instruction for all content areas including electives. Our teachers have and will continue to receive professional development time and work time to create specific online content that will be shared with students.  Virtual learning in PCSD begins March 30th (after spring break of March 23-27)  

Fortunately, our students’ access to technology and Seesaw or Canvas within their current instruction will provide the means for virtual instruction.  Students’ access to learning materials, assignments and communication with teachers will occur virtually through the use of current online resources and students’ district issued iPads.  Students in grades K-5 will utilize Seesaw and be provided the ability to take home their district-issued iPad. Students in grades 6-12 will utilize Canvas and continue to take home their district-issued iPad.  

Will we have to make up time or adjust the school year calendar?

The required number of instructional minutes is mandated by Wisconsin State Statute.  The decision to waive instructional minutes is not a local decision and is made in collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.  The district does plan to apply for the state waiver on instructional minutes. 

What happens with state assessments (Forward Exam, ACT Aspire) and Advanced Placement?

There will be no further state assessments this school year.  We will try and communicate any information on the ACT make up when it is available.  For students participating in Advanced Placement courses, please see recent communications that have been shared with families regarding AP courses and exams.  

What resources are available to help me talk to my child about Coronavirus?

The CDC has a resource related to talking with children about Coronavirus.  Some general recommendations they provide includes: remain calm and reassuring, make yourself available to listen and talk, avoid language that blames others or leads to stigma, pay attention to what children see or hear on television and online, provide information that is accurate and honest, and teach everyday actions to reduce the spread of germs.  Additional information can be found at Child Mind Institute’s “Talking to Kids About Coronavirus

What can I be doing now?

The district encourages students and staff to take everyday preventive actions to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses, such as 

  • Stay home when you are sick and limit contact with others
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizing gel with at least 60% alcohol, especially after
    • Blowing your nose
    • Coughing
    • Sneezing
    • Going to the bathroom
    • Before eating or preparing food
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects in your home (smartphones, for example)
  • Cover your cough with your elbow and sneeze within a tissue
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with hands 
  • Avoid travel while sick

Facilities are cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces daily. Staff are encouraged to continue to use the disinfectant spray daily in their classrooms.  

Are additional cleaning measures in place?

Custodial staff are following  the recommended cleaning procedures, with extra effort on areas considered high-risk (e.g., bathrooms, athletic areas, commons, healthrooms/nurses office) and high touch points (door handles, hand railings, shared desks, etc). Additionally, buses received a  thorough cleaning completed and followed the recommendations locally and through the CDC.  

What about parents, volunteers, contractors and outside vendors who come into our buildings?

Currently, no one is allowed in the school buildings except for required staff. 

How will determine when schools will reopen?

The Pulaski Community School District will reopen based on local and state decisions. 

Where can I get additional resources for my family at this difficult time?

There is a COVID 19 Economic Relief Fund through the United Way. They can assist with bills, rent and food. To connect with the organization, please call 1-866-211-9966 to get linked to resources within your zip code. 

Please see the District Resource page located at for other information regarding:

  • ipad/Tech Support
  • School Cancellation
  • Virtual Learning Parent Video
  • Parent Information K-5
  • Student Expectations K-5
  • Student Expectations 6-12
  • PCSD to Serve Free Lunches
  • Additional Resources from Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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